Supporting Children’s Homes To Provide Outstanding Care 

Supporting Children’s Homes To Provide Outstanding Care 

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Ofsted Inspection Framework

The residential child care sector supports some of our most vulnerable children and young people. Therefore, inspection must shine a spotlight on what works well and drive improvement in homes where children’s welfare is not safeguarded and promoted.

Regulations and Quality Standards: The Law

Regulations and Quality Standards: The Guide

The Ofsted Inspection Framework

Children’s Homes Quality is Supporting

Watoto Villages are a safe place where orphaned and vulnerable children can truly experience the love of a family.
Watoto Villages provide homes, families and holistic care to over 3,000 children who receive everything they need to grow up healthy and whole—food, clothing, medical care, education and most of all the love of a mother.

Children’s Homes Quality will be visiting Watoto Village in Uganda in January 2025. 

Help renovate two houses and a classroom